Take whatcha got and go
M/W/F homeschooling webcomic

[The flock of pigeons takes off. Ferrari gazes up at them and whines. Caption: "Herder: 0 Herdees: 1"] [Ferrari stands up at the base of a tree, staring at a cat crouching on one of the branches. Ferrari: "Woof?" Caption: "Herder: 0 Herdees: 2"] [Ferrari cowers uncertainly at the edge of the road as a car VROOMs past. Ferrari: "Yipe!" caption: "Herder: 0 Herdees: 3"] [Ferrari growls rRrrRRr as she crowds some small school children together on a playground. The three uncertain-looking kids press together, clutching lunchboxes and teddy bear. Kid: "Teacher?" Caption: "Herder: 1 Herdees: 3"]
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